optimizing this website


Well of course, prettier helps me to fill up my missing semicolons :D

Anyways, I’ve been optimizing stuff around and it may be not that noticeable but it’s a lot of work behind the scenes including:

  • replacing .md files with .mdx files for better optimized images
  • new folder structure for images to reduce loading time
  • use local fonts instead of google fonts
  • update meta tags for better SEO
  • support view transition API
  • refactoring here and there

Most of the changes are following the astro docs. Astro is a fairly new framework in the market but it’s really promising. Optimization that they’ve done is great and docs are documented well.

So far I have no problem developing with Astro, things are pretty straightforward and easy to understand. DX is great and I’m super confortable with it.

That’s all for now, I’ll be back with more updates soon (hopefully).
